Saturday 4 May 2013

Accepting Yourself, Mind Over Matter

If you don’t approve of yourself, of your behaviour and actions then you’ll probably walk around most of the day with a sort of uncomfortable feeling. If you, on the other hand, approve of yourself then you tend to become relaxed and gain inner freedom to do more of what you really want.
This can, in a related way, be a big obstacle in personal growth. You may have all the right tools to grow in some way but you feel an inner resistance. You can’t get there.
What you may be bumping into there are success barriers. You are putting up barriers in your own mind of what you may or may not deserve. Or barriers that tell you what you are capable of. They might tell you that you aren’t really that kind of person that could this thing that you’re attempting.
Or if you make some headway in the direction you want to go you may start to sabotage for yourself. To keep yourself in a place that is familiar for you.
So you need give yourself approval and allow yourself to be who you want to be. Not look for the approval from others. But from yourself. To dissolve that inner barrier or let go of that self-sabotaging tendency. This is no easy task and it can take time.
I think these days we always seeking the approval of others, feel the need to fit in to something in order to feel a sense of belonging. Sometimes we even go out to seek a successful personality and attempt to duplicate it.  I mean always always being yourself, expressing yourself and having faith in yourself is a hard thing. We do it sometimes, but other times we forget or back into old thoughts patterns. 
But I believe that being the real you will work better. Because there the genuine you is shining through. Without incongruency, mixed mesisages or perhaps a sort of phoniness. It’s you to 100%. It’s you with not only your words but you with your voice tonality and body language  which some say is over 90% of communication on the same wavelength as your words. It’s you coming through on all channels of communication.
So I’m not saying: “yeah man, you should just be yourself because it’s the right thing to do etc.” I’m saying that I think being your authentic self   the one that needs little validation from others, the one where your ego is not running the show and trying to get something from someone – will give more satisfaction in your day to day life because you are in alignment with yourself. And because people really like genuine and people really like authenticity.

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
So many limitations are mostly in our minds. We may for instance think that people will disapprove because we are too tall, too old or balding. But these things mostly matter when you think they matter. Because you become self-conscious and worried about what people may think.
And people pick up on that and may react in negative ways. Or you may interpret anything they do as a negative reaction because you are so fearful of a bad reaction and so focused inward on yourself.
If you, on the other hand, don’t mind then people tend to not mind that much either. And if you don’t mind then you won’t let that part of yourself become a self imposed roadblock in your life.
It is, for instance, seldom too late to do what you want to do.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Jay Sean song 'Where you are'  is so good its addictive

One of the Janoskians is dating Ariana Grande, that guy must of had smooth moves wooing a girl all the way from Australia haha

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